DIY Halloween Mummy Lights

DIY Halloween Mummy Lights What you will need: Clear Plastic container or glass jar Tip: Old mayo or peanut butter containers work great Cheesecloth Tip: Run it through the washing machine and dryer for a worn look Googly eyes- any size will work Battery-Operated Candles *Real candles will melt the plastic! Glue Gun Glue sticks Scissors Step 1: Wrap the cheesecloth around the bottom of the jar and secure it with glue. Step 2: Wrap the cheesecloth around the body of the jar and glue along the way to avoid it slipping off. Step 3: Glue the cheesecloth around the top rim. Step 4: Apply googly eyes to your jar toward the top or middle. Step 5: Insert your battery-operated candle. Step 6: Enjoy your cute mummy light 😊 Visit our ClicqCustomCreations Etsy Shop!